Plum Village, located along Upper Thomson Road, has
been selling authentic hakka food. It is probably the restaurant that has the
most comprehensive menu of hakka delights.
Mummy’s birthday is round the corner so we decided to bring her to eat her favourite food – Hakka delights since my family are all hakka.
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Abacus Seed ( 算盘子 ) is made up of yam and tapioca flour. Yam was
being steams and mashed up before adding in tapioca flour. It was then roll
into small little balls with the centre being indent in. It was shaped in this
way signifying reunion and signifies wealth. In most of the shops selling
abacus seeds, it was mixed with more tapioca flour so as to save cost and to
increase chewiness. But in Plum Village, more yams were added (similar to
household making method), giving it a denser texture yet a stronger yam
fragrant. Mushroom, carrots and minced meat was stirred fried with it. It would
have been better with more mushroom , carrot and minced meat was added.
Preserved vegetable with
porkbelly 梅菜扣肉 served in
plum village was disappointing. This is because the pork belly was slightly dry
and wasn’t tender. The dish was not salty enough. Usually this dish tends to be
more salty as the preserved vegetable was braised with the pork belly over long
period of time to enhance the pork belly taste. This process brings out the
saltiness within the preserved vegetable.
Broccolis were stirred fried with oyster sauce. It was
remarkable that the broccolis were still crunchy and green because it was
usually very soft and soggy when I purchase these dish elsewhere.
Sea Cucumber Stir Fried with
Snow Peas 海参炒扁豆 was my dad favourite dish as he say that
the sea cucumber was very nutritious. The sea cucumber was springy and chewy.
It was well marinated and braised with oyster sauce.
Homemade Beancurd ( 家乡豆腐) was my favourite dish as the beancurd use was
very smooth, coupled with the slightly salty minced meat and mushroom, it helps
to appetite me.
The fried
prawns in Hakka wine (红槽虾球) was something my mum missed greatly. It was
something that my past grandma regularly cooks. The prawn was stirred fried in
red glutinous wine. The taste was not something most can appreciate. It tasted
like sweet beer. I found it slightly diluted but the prawn used was
Meatball and cabbage soup taste really normal like those we can cook at
home. But it is worth mentioning that the meatball was well marinated. We order
this dish as we wanted something to drink since in plum village, the only available
beverage was coke and Chinese tea.
Prawn and meat roll
(五香) was pretty decent. It was crispy and not oily. They
are all handmade from scratch.
Hakka Yong Tau Fu (客家酿豆腐) is a must –try item for people visiting
hakka restaurant. Fried beancurd was stuffed with meat fillings before steaming
it. It was tasty.
you are looking for decent hakka food, you can popped by to plum village. The
food was pretty decent but do not keep your expectation too high as the food
are labour-intensive so the quality might varies.
me at instagram : @jacefootprints
Plum Village Restuarant 梅村酒家 (Upper Thomson)
16 Jln Leban, Singapore 577554
Operating Hours: Daily, 11.30am – 2.30pm,
6pm – 10pm