Friday, November 21, 2014

[Singapore] Rabbit Owl Depot

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Located opposite National Library, Rabbit Owl Depot has specialize in handcrafted ice cream has opened its door in October 2014. Snowflakes waffles, artisan ice cream, tarts and coffee in this café where its theme is owl and rabbit. You will be greeted with mini owl and rabbit toys at every corner, complimented with diy wooden chairs and tables.

In search for something sweet after our dinner, we chanced upon rabbit and owl depot. It was on a weekday night so we kind of have the whole place to ourselves. After trying various flavor, we settled with pistachio ice cream and strawberry cheesecake.

To know what the palor is serving, all you have to do is to look at the menu hang at the wall. They do not have paper menu for you to look at. 
*Update* I have recently went back on April 16, 2016. The environment still looks the same, cosy as previous. Now, they have the menu at the table for diners to look at.

Newly added menu place at the table.
Newly added menu place at the table.
Newly added menu place at the table.
Like any other ice cream, they have various flavors for you to choose from and sample before purchase. The boss was very friendly and patient with us as we really took a very long time deciding and literally try every single flavor available. 

In this pistachio ice cream, the pistachio nut flavor is strong perhaps the nuts were lightly roasted before being added to the ice cream, thus the sweet smelling fragrance. The ice cream was really creamy, smooth and milky. 
Strawberry cheesecake ice cream has always been one of my favourite ice cream flavor. Here, the strawberry cheesecake was also creamy and the tinge of strawberry jam could be detected :D 
It was worth mentioning that the snowflake waffles were delicious. The hot, crispy and fluffy waffles sprinkled with icing sugar on top compliment the ice cream a lot.  However, I find that the serving was tiny. 
Waffles with our Pistachio & Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream
*Update* The pistachio ice cream still taste great! This time we have decided to go for thai milk tea ice cream. It was really delicious. It was as though you are drinking the sweet milky tea down your throat, except this is in the form of ice cream.

*Updated* Waffles with our Pistachio & Thai Milk Tea Ice Cream 
*Update* I notice that the palour started selling prawn crackers. We are allowed to sample it and I like it greatly as it was crispy yet not oily. 

Utensils and complimentary drink for the diners

Despite the palour being small in size, it was actually quite cosy and suitable place for meet-up session due to its decent ice creams, highly accessible location as well as quietness of the café. 

To have a look at how pretty this café can be, adjust the 360° camera below.

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Rabbit Owl Depot

420 North Bridge Road
#01-06, Singapore 188727
Operating Hours:
Monday – Thursday: 1200 – 2200
Friday – Saturday: 1200 – 2300
Sunday: 1100 - 1800


[JB, Malaysia] Miyakori Coffee - Japanese theme coffee and desserts café
[Singapore] Lola Cafe - Affordable Cafe Price below $15 nett
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